Humadyn (Huma-dyne) specializes in the areas of professional development and human/workplace dynamics. We provide a range of services known as "soft" or people skills. Further--again with focus on people--we offer services to help companies deal with a host of human and workplace dynamics.
Training and Development - We offer a broad range of soft-skills, human relations, and workplace development training such as leadership, interpersonal communications, team-building, conflict resolution, written/oral communications, customer service, and diversity (to name a few). Click here to see full list.
Coaching - We provide professional development and executive coaching for supervisors/managers, and for aspiring and seasoned leaders. We also coach valued, but "difficult" employees. These are employees [for instance] who are valued by the company for their technical competency, however, are lacking in the interpersonal skills arena. We coach on a range of skills and topics such as (to name a few): developing self-awareness, how to better communicate and get a long, building a Personal Leadership Brand, basic to advance leadership skills, and communications/presentation skills.
Conflict Management - We help people and organizations deal with conflict by providing alternate dispute resolution and conflict management services such as mediation, conflict coaching, ombudsman-services, fact-finding, and group facilitation.
Workplace Consulting - We provide consulting services to help organizations and workplaces better "understand themselves" and to create solutions for building a more positive, effective and productive workplace. We provide various organizational assessments (i.e., employee engagement, human relations, etc.), focus group studies, and fact-finding initiatives.
Employee Performance Management - We provide consulting and coaching on various aspects of performance management to include: developing SMART Performance Goals, writing self/employee assessments, and how to conduct effective performance conversation/feedback.
Facilitation - We facilitate group conversations and help people set forth their group, team, or organizational path. We use various tools and activites including SWOT Analysis, Strategic Visioning, Goal Setting, Action Planning, Trust and Team Building, and more to help groups get from where they are to where they want to be.
Human and workplace dynamics continues to evolve in an unprecedented way. Thus, the global "village" and market place, the melding of the minds, and better informed people all demand that we all become better at working with and dealing with human and workplace dynamics. Soft-skills competencies therefore are big drivers of organizational success.
When a company invests in this type of personal and professional development they reap the essential outcomes of stronger leadership, effective communications at all levels, and stronger engagement & contribution by their employees. It is our goal at Humadyn to help you get to those outcomes.
Please let us know how we can serve you and your organization. We pride ourselves on being hassle-free and user-friendly. So if you just want to talk without a sales-ridden conversation, click on the button below and let's talk.