Organizational Consulting

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Organizational Consulting

Think of our consultants as workplace “doctors.” We want to provide a comprehensive and unbiased view of the condition of an organization. Whether it’s to fix an existing problem, prevent a problem or to develop a healthier organization, we start with a diagnosis. We look at the company’s corporate culture, human resources and overall condition using a variety of diagnostic tools and assessments. As with a health examination of your body’s operating condition, this diagnosis gives us a clearer understanding of what’s preventing a company’s human resources from operating at peak proficiency. Whether it’s morale, leadership, supervisory, or other issues, Humadyn provides a complete “chart” (report) outlining a company’s condition. Once we’ve completed a diagnosis, Humadyn offers treatment options, which may include program development, coaching or training.

  • Organizational Diagnostics & Assessments
  • Mission/Vision/Values development
  • Fact-finding
  • Human Relations and EEO