Personal Growth

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Personal Growth

Today, a balance between work and home life are becoming more important than perks and salaries. People are motivated by an enriched life versus obtaining more money. Through our life leadership seminars, people will learn to gain an enriched life by working on themselves from the inside-out. They will learn to free themselves from many stresses that distract them from performing their personal and professional best.

We will help participants:

  • Create a life purpose and mission that will lead to personal effectiveness
  • Clarify and express their deepest values and aspirations
  • Integrate their personal mission and goals into their daily lives
  • Answer the questions: what do I want from my life, what matters most, and what is success to me and how do I achieve it?
  • Learn to design immediate, intermediate and long-term goals that are aligned with your lifelong vision
  • Identify strengths and opportunities for personal growth and self discovery
  • Learn to achieve a work/life balance-Prevent burnout-Make time self through relaxation and hobbies -Stress reduction